Our traditional lamp-nilavilakku- is round in shape at the bottom and top. Top is round and without marking special slots for thread to be put. Modern nilavilakku has marked slots for two,three,four etc. threads to be put. This may be userfriendly for people now a days. But there should not be any marking for threads is the traditional concept.
A 360 degree round shape space represents the universe itself. When you light a thread in it means you are leading the universe to light. TAMASOMA….GYOTIRGAMAYA…. the number of threads you put on this varies according to beliefs. Some say two is the best. Because it represents east and west from where sun rises and sets. number vary from three to seven and eight…
But the vision and learning from nilavilakku lighting is I am engaged in keeping this universe in light, knowledge,wisdom. Now I am asking you, are you really doing this in life.
You have to light the inner nilavilakku with the outside one to remain in good vision and understanding. Ask yourself when lighting lamp at home, have I lighten my inner lamp too. Sun has been doing it for us for many centuries for anything in return. It is our duty to lighten our lamps of wisdom for others.
In a traditional way how to lighten a lamp?
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